La re-habi(li)tation : an invitation to re-examine our relationship with the territory, between artificial fabrics to be regenerated, ways of living to be reinvented and an ability to be (re)conquered.
Together with our speakers, the ICA and the Maison de l'urbanisme du Brabant Wallon aim to place in perspective the challenge of Re-habi(li)tation, which questions our urban planning practices and questions our territorial, social and environmental policies.
Denis Caraire, from the French urban planning start-up "villes vivantes", has been invited to take part. He will tell us about their work with local authorities and residents to reduce the amount of artificialisation of land and show us the social impact of this urban planning policy.
Guillaume Vanneste, for his part, will be presenting the results of his research exploring different ways of reinvesting suburban housing in our suburbs: inspiring projects and stories will highlight the spatial and societal issues involved in reappropriating suburban buildings. His work is on show alongside other projects in the Réappropriations exhibition at the Halles Universitaires de Louvain-La-Neuve.
Lastly, Cédric Harmant, a delegated officer of Walloon Brabant, and Bernard Pâques, a lawyer, will discuss the opportunities, the obstacles and the legal agility required to bring about the re-habi(li)tation of our urban fabrics through the consolidation of their structures and their soft densification.
Rue Belotte 3
1490 Court-Saint-Etienne
In partnership with the Maison de l'Urbanisme du Brabant Wallon, the Architecture Unit and UCLouvain.