Untold Stories – Women designers in Belgium, 1880-1980
Place de Belgique
1020 Bruxelles

For the first time, the works of more than 50 women designers and makers active in Belgium between 1880 and 1980 are brought together. Based on extensive research, objects from a wide range of disciplines and sourced from several museums and private collections are displayed, many of which have never been shown to the public before.
Maison Culturelle de Quaregnon
Rue Jules Destrée 355
7390 Quaregnon
Vernissage : 26.09 à 19h

An exhibition based on the architectural book by Paper Menhirs about a unique school in Quaregnon.
MIMÊSIS 222 is a book, but also an invitation to lose oneself in a singular architectural work. A collection of photographs, archives, drawings, models and essays reveals the rich and surprising inner world of this unique school in the Borinage.
Louis Bosny - Pour une architecture sobre et créative
Pl. Xavier-Neujean 22
4000 Liège
Vernissage : 7 novembre 2024 à 18h

Louis Bosny is an unknown. But history is made by millions of unknown men and women whose work contributes to our collective well-being.
Des ateliers pédagogiques gratuits en lien avec l'exposition pour les groupes scolaires de primaires sont proposés par l'ICA. Prochaines dates disponibles : 28 et 30 novembre après-midi. Contactez Anne-Laure Iger (chargée de médiation) à ali@ica-wb.be pour plus de renseignements.
Exhibition at CACLB : Surveying the sites
Rue de Montauban
6743 Etalle

In 2024, the Centre d'Art Contemporain du Luxembourg Belge (CACLB) celebrates its 40th anniversary.
For this special year, a series of exhibitions will be held at various locations in Belgian Luxembourg, including the Montauban site, the Abbaye d'Orval, the Musée gaumais and the Espace Marguerite Brouhon in Virton, the Chapelle Saint-Roch in Herbeumont, and the Maison de la Culture in Arlon.
The 20th century in Wallonia, from Architecture to Heritage
L'Espace Wallonie de Bruxelles
Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, 25-27
1000 Bruxelles

The exhibition The 20th century in Wallonia. From Architecture to Heritage, organised by Agence wallonne du Patrimoine (AWaP), is designed to be a voyage between architecture and heritage. It stems directly from the process undertaken to produce the first regional synthesis on the subject, published in spring 2024.
Exhibition : Regenerative Futures
Fondation Thalie
15 rue Buchholtz
1050 Bruxelles

Faced with the greatest challenge facing us today - that of preserving the earth's habitability for future generations - how are creators - artists and designers - engaging in reflection and practices that are capable of reinventing our ways of being in the world? In dialogue with the sciences, crafts, technologies and various forms of intelligence - manual, collective, animal, bacterial, artificial, etc. - they have done a great deal of research and found solutions.
In partnership with CIVA, Institut Français, the French Embassy in Belgium, New European Bauhaus, Art Brussels, Maison Ruinart and Museum pass.
Exhibition : New ways of living
Halles Saint-Géry
Place Saint Géry 1
1000 Bruxelles

Under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and part of the Brussels cultural programme, Urban.brussels organises an exhibition about the challenges European cities and regions are facing to achieve an inclusive, high-quality housing policy.
Urban Brussels
Mont des Arts 10-13
1000 Bruxelles
Vouloir habiter
Opening hours
We > Fri 10:00 > 17:00
Sa - Sun 10:00 > 18:00

Marie-Noëlle Dailly,
Philippe Koeune,
François Lichtlé,
Les OiseauxSansTête,
Virginie Pigeon,