Vers une nouvelle ruralité ? [Towards a new rurality ?] : programme of events

Meetings :
From 2 October to 26 November 2024, ICA is organising a series of four meetings in Brussels and Wallonia to discuss the issues and challenges facing rural areas with Belgian and international architects, urban planners and citizens' groups.
Wednesday 02.10.2024 / 19:00 Recyclart, Bruxelles
Avec le soutien de la Cellule d'architecture, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures.
En partenariat avec Recyclart, Maison de l’Urbanisme Famenne-Ardenne, Cinéma Plaza Hotton, Musée Archéologique d’Arlon, Maison de l’Urbanisme du Brabant wallon, le Service Public de Wallonie et la Province de Luxembourg.
Opening up the space
Ce qu'habiter veut dire
Towards a regenerative approach to architecture
The climatic disasters experienced in the last few years make us face the consequences of architecture and land use planning policies. To try to change the course of this situation, any spatial intervention on our environment, whatever its scale, must no longer leave the challenges of environmental, societal and economic transition unanswered, but incorporate the public, collective and private dimensions.
[ What can urban utopias do for us? ]

Rue de Nimy 76
7000 Mons
Quels outils pour construire la nouvelle ruralité ?

Maison de l'urbanisme du Brabant wallon
Rue Belotte 3
1490 Court-Saint-Etienne
Village en projet

Musée archéologique d'Arlon
13, rue des Martyrs
6700 Arlon